Life at Ethicare dental is a mixed bag. I just spent a very fun and interesting morning at Brandlehow primary school in Putney where I have just finished speaking to about 150 6-11 yr olds followed by about 140 3-5 yr olds in their morning assembly. It was my first time speaking to such a large audience and retaining the interest of such a young audience is always a challenge.
I prepared a fun, informative and educational PowerPoint demonstration for some of the older children with a few gruesome images thrown in for good measure. Most of the older kids had been to the dentist before and knew what to expect.
I tried to explain to the younger group what to expect when they come to the practice, who works at the practice, what the uniform is and the fact that we wear masks and gloves and the basics of dental disease and oral health care and disease prevention.
We are running a competition for all the school children. If they send a photo of the outside of the practice and email it to us, they will be entered into our prize draw to win a Philips sonicare for kids electric toothbrush and will be able to claim a free check up. The competition is valid for a month and we must receive photos by 20th June. The winner will be announced on this day.
I would like to thank Lauren Pye croft Obrien and her mum Sophie who are friends and patients of Ethicare Dental for suggesting us to the school and also Miss Grove the headmistress for allowing me to talk to the kids. I hope the kids had fun and learnt something also. The kids were very well behaved and made a talk which was worrying me a little a lot easier.
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